Orca Reading
Orca Reading Room Through Title 1/Lap Funds
Dear Families,
We are so excited we get to work with your child this year! Our program offers additional reading support through engaging small group activities and individual instruction. Phonics, fluency and comprehension are the main areas of focus during our lessons. We use the successful, research based program, Read Live, for students in 2nd through 5th grade. For our Kindergarteners and first graders we assist the classroom teachers with their Really Great Reading Lessons. If you have any questions please email or call us. We are happy to talk with you.
Family Engagement nights for each grade level will be happening in the future. These events allow us to meet you and share games, activities and strategies that can help your child at home.
Please find the following notification of your ability to request teacher and paraeducator qualifications.
Title 1 Parent Notification Letter
Here are some links for reading that you might find beneficial :)