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Before and After School Enrichment

Boys and Girls Club Before / After School Care at SWES:  

We are so excited that the Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish / Coupeville Unit will be providing before and after school childcare at SWES!  The program begins on 9/18.  If you are interested in learning more about the program or to register your child, please contact Heidi Roberts at  - you can learn more about their programs here:  Please note that the school district is not involved in the implementation / management of this program, so all questions need to be directed to Heidi.  We are providing space in our school for the program, which is fully run and managed by the Boys and Girls Club. 

Heidi Roberts, Unit Director
Coupeville Boys & Girls Club
203 N Main St. Coupeville, WA 98239

Boys and Girls CLub