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South Whidbey is extremely fortunate to not only have incredible school farms, but to also have a wide range of local farms and farmers who partner with our schools. Our farm program is included in our specialist rotation - so all ITK - 5th grade students participate in a 45-minute farm rotation at least weekly.  Our farm program also provides a culinary program for our 5th grade, that includes a range of cooking experiences focused on the food we grow. You can learn more about our farm program here:

Other partner farm include: 

The Organic Farm School: Located in Clinton on South Whidbey, the Organic Farm school serves as a “classroom” for our 3rd-5th grade Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) students every week.  Students not only have use of the beautiful property and outdoor learning sites, but have the opportunity to work with program staff and students to experience learning in a true working farm and school.

Good Cheer Foodbank and Garden: South Whidbey’s Food Bank created a large garden over 15 years ago that provides not only fresh food for the food bank, but opportunities for preserving food for the winter months.  Students from South Whidbey have engaged with Good Cheer over the years, from learning about the ecosystem of soil to how to encourage worms in your own garden.  

Sweetwater Farm, Foxtail Farm, Deep Harvest farm and others!

Interested in a visit to South Whidbey Elementary School's Farm? 

We welcome teachers, administrators and community organizations to visit our school farm and see  our programs "in action."  To schedule a visit, please reach out to school farm teacher Jay Freundlich at  Topics that can be covered include:

  • Planting plan for the school year

  • How to grow for early and late vegetables.

  • Varieties of vegetables for picking and eating

  • Student hygiene

  • Bed and path design for student access and teaching

  • Student management within the farm

  • The use of Americorps Service members for managing farm and classroom tasks.

  • Upper elementary culinary program



First page of the PDF file: SchoolFarmNewsletterOctober252024